

Dear Bob and Joy,
Well, you made me blush again! You are much too kind in praising "Eat well..."
I had written to Leanne, suggesting she contact you to determine whether it
would be suitable for Australians to purchase -- in light of the different
recipe measurements, etc. I don't like to think of people purchasing a book they
can't use. So you may get a private e-mail from them, if you haven't already.

My practice group (Gerontological Nutritionists) is debating whether they should
propose that I write a self-study course for dietitians on Parkinson's. The pay
is scant, but it would bring PD to the attention of a wide group. However, the
timeline is so short that there may not be enough time to get the proposal in,
so I'm not betting on it. Sure wish Bob was here to help me with grant-writing,
proposal-writing, etc.!! Say, how about a U.S. vacation?  :-)

I'm rewriting the research study, to resubmit according to the critique I
received from ADA (American Dietetic Association). Keep all your fingers and
toes crossed that it gets published!!

It's spring, and just beautiful. Two ducks wandered into our front yard this
morning, I don't know what they were eating, but it was a lovely sight. The
grass is beginning to green, and the first crocus appeared. However, it reminds
me of the spring I experienced in Perth, and all the incredible wildflowers.
What a fairy-tale day that was!

I'm keeping Ros in my heart and hoping that she is progressing and will come
home, also wondering how the pallidotomy prospects look. And Linda is in my
thoughts, more so with the spring -- I don't know why, except that it's a time
of renewal.

My sisters and I are starting to firm up plans to travel to England in June, and
getting excited about it, of course! It makes me think of your New Zealand trip,
and wish we were going with you.

My love to you both (well, Steve's, too, but he's gone right now),

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Nutrition you can live with!"
Medical nutrition therapy
Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538