

Been there done that!!  Take them seriously when they turn you down.  Use
all your resources to fight this battle.  I never did get my social
security, they said I quit work before I was COMPLETELY disabled.  I wasn't
dead yet. I made a lot of mistakes. If you get a hearing: 1. Don't take
anyone with you. They will assume you have help all the time.  2. Don't
dress up.  You will really look out of place at the unemployment office.
don't even wear make up.  3. Letters from your doctors will be your best
resources. 4. Use the PARKINSON'S DISEASE HANDBOOK put out by the APDA
refer to pages 14 and 15 evaluating disease severity. 5. If you need a copy
of the handbook let me know. 6. Ask the List for other suggestions,  I was
41 when I went for mine and didn't know where to go for help.