

You encourage laughter.  Below is a list of advantages of laughter.You
probably already know but the group might be interested. This list was
put out by Carolina health and humor.

1)During laughter the eyes tear and vision may become clearer.
2( "       "     IGA increases in the saliva indicating immune rsponse.
3( "       "     the voice box emits joyful sounds.
4( "       "     The Thymus, important to the immune system
is                  activated.
5( "       "     Digestion is speeded up.
6( "       "     Respiration is speeded up, forcing more air through
the                  lungs.
7( "       "     Blood presure goes up and then decreases,and
while                      leveling off gives a feeling of euphoria.
8( "        "    Internal organs are masseged through laughter.
9(  "       "    Folks stop to see what is so funny and you meet some
                 nice folks.