

now that you are back with your emotions unwrapped could you please give me
some documentation about just how  "many young PWP's commit SUICIDE?". I've
no doubt that some do but I very much doubt that the count is up there
with, say, in-the-closet-struggling-to come-out gay adolescent. I would
find it outrageous if you just shooting from the hip with such a statement.
         As a matter of fact I would suggest that the rate of suicide is
much lower for people with chronic illnesses then it is for the population
at large.
Perhaps between considering what you will wear for your next tv appearence
and giving us a final count on your tape sales you can give my question
some thought.
          And while offending one of this list icons I may as well offend
another, Barbara M. <GRIN> of the "2 Parkies & Dr. Iacono on TV" show<two
grins and a giggle> Barb <swollow> do ya think ya can can this bid for
Hollywood fame<another nervous swollow> and get back to work. "EXTRA"
isn't worth your time. It will not do a positive thing for you or PD. <shut
up george, you gone too far, no one will ever write to you again>< grimace>
         Another thing, if those of you who persist in posting your every
tiny thought on RE:2 Parkies & Dr. Iacono on TV" or its updated version" TV
Debut Delayed a Bit" would work as hard at convincing your Washington
people to do their job then just may be we will get the $$$ into our blood

Respectfully submitted <smile>

       george Lussier

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