

Just sent a thing on laughter, forgot to give address.  Since I am here
again, Ill subject you to another poem.

Hitches In my Get Along

Brilliance not dim.
Beauty-well, maybe.
My 61 body may feel more like 80.

Mouth and chin quiver,
When I'm not going to cry.
I hippity-hop but not very high.

Stiff upon rising-stiff later too.
My comedy props
Are stockings and shoes.

My ouch is more frequent.
I crackle and pop.
Really slowed down,but not ready to stop.

I speak quite loudly to family and peers.
To my chagrin, they say what.
Is it me or their ears.

If I sound  bit gloomy,
Thats really not right.
We Parks can still laugh, love and live life.

Barbara Worcester  [log in to unmask]