

I think it might be useful if at least a WAG (wild arse guess) of the total
world population of PWP could be derived.  It probably wouldn't be any more
accurate than the 500,000 - 1,500,000 (for which most  of us substitute
1,000,000, I believe) figure used for the U.S., but it would be a
mind-boggling #.  Perhaps it might help the Merck's and Hoffman-La Roche's
of the world see that if they won the bet of putting even more of their
research funds into PD the payoff also could be mind-bobbling.  A little
consciousness raising can't hurt even the most aware corporations.  Maybe
even get the world health organizations more interested, even though I'd
imagine they are struggling with worse diseases from a mortality standpoint.
There is strength in numbers!*      Plus - it just would be interesting to
have some idea  how non-elite our little group is.

*I don't know.  If numbers were all that counted the NIH would be over there
right now staring at the $100mm, or whatever the # is these days.