

-- [ From: Bob Martone * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --

To the list,

I just received the March 10, 1998 memo from Lizzie Graham, Euopean
Parkinson Disease Association ( EPDA) which included a video of the
Parkinson's Disease World Charter. The 5 minute tape is one of the most
powerful video's I have seen yet. It includes short segments on well
know UK subjects who suffer or suffered with PD and  also captures
messages from the Pope, dignitaries from many Euopean nations Spain,
Denmark, UK, France, plus  Isreal, Argentina, Canada the USA and more.
Luciano Pavaratti (Sp?) and Princess Diana also had signed proclamations
and sent letters expressing concern for the PD community.

From the US side of the pond I saw Robin Elliot- PDF, and Emillio
Mendosa -NPF, in the video.

Many thanks to our friends across the pond for a brilliant and moving
attempt to get our community the recognition and support it so
desparately needs and deserves.

I do not know if more copies are available but this UK phone number was
offered on the back of the tape cartridge. 0171-931-8080. If you can get
the tape it will be well worth it.

Bob Martone
Houston Area Parkinson Society