

Hi list members who have been a great deal of help on my pd journey.
I've had pd for about thirty years. Need some help as I'm  going to
ATLANTA (Emory)  for a pallidotmy in two weeks. Has anyone on this list
had one done there ?    Sorry I haven't responded before.  I tried but
had a couple of  letters that I accidentally erased the notes!  So I'm
trying again and first  of all a big thank you to all of you!   I've
have  diskensia and tremors which        makes  socializing and going
out difficult.  Much muscle and joint pain.   I was on Advil and Aleve
and vitamin E which they told me to stop for two weeks  as they are
anticoagulant.    I feel like I'm going through withdrawal. They
suggested Tylenol which doesn't work nearly as well.  Had my first MRI
not too bad but really had to hold still. Hope  all this helps some else
going for this surgery!   More  later.
