

Okay, Greg, somewhere I read a quote "God don't make no junk" it had something
to do with giving a child more self esteem.  I believe we are all here for a
reason, but maybe not for the same reason!   Some of us can make a bigger
contribution than others, but we all can do something. Is it  fair to say that
someone who makes more money, is "worth" more as a human being? I don't think
so. A billionaire might make more money with a single phone conversation, than
many won't earn in a lifetime, but that has more to do with luck, or
knowledge, than worth.   Some are leaders, some are followers, some are
obstacles...but if one is an obstacle, maybe he will  cause a leader or a
follower to work harder and accomplish more!  Even a person who is totally
helpless, is making work for people who provide help. Whether we are consumers
or providers, or both, we have a place to fill and we are worthy of existing.
The only exception I would make would be those who commit crimes against
humanity, such as murderers. They would have the least amount of value,
probably a negative number, if we could compute worthiness like we evaluate a
corporation with a spreadsheet.  Unfortunately, business people who only see
"the bottom line" and don't consider human feelings, do a disservice to
humanity. Businesses that treat employees with respect, and pay attention to
their opinions, thrive in the long run.
The people that clean the toilets are just as vital as the president of the
company, when there is a task to be performed.  [log in to unmask]