

At 09:08 29-3-98 UT, you wrote:
>While I had a unilateral pallidotomy 4 1/2 years ago, I experienced
>none of the problems you've mentioned having had so cannot
>offer you any advice or information among those lines.
Dear Barbara,

I don't think the second question I had can easily be answered by no, it is
not possible that the symptoms or reactions I described are caused by
something neurological.Your answer only makes clear that whatever is the
cause, they are not an unevitably result of every pallidotomy.

The neuro's in the hospital said problems with concentration where normal
the first one or two weeks after the surgery, and that was caused by a
swelling of the gray matter as a reaction on the electrode who passed
through it and by that has caused some damage.
I did not work as hard as you did. But I tried to do some things, which I
simply couldn't. I wrote about that before. As soon as I thought I was able
to do it I restarted my translation-project. I felt the way I did it was
post-surgically totally different from  the way I did it post surgically
and in fact, I later had to overhaul the translation totally. It was worse
than I had feared making it. After some weeks I was, as far as translating
goes, my old self again.
You answered one of my two questions. which was:" Do all persons have
simiiar symptoms
after pallidotomy? Your answer is very clear.A pallidotomy is possible
without suffering one moment even the slightest impairment in functioning.I
thank you for that.
My second question, is not yet answered.
                            Ida Kamphuis

Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,

Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]