

At 01:55 20-3-98 -0500, you wrote:
>I am looking for anyone who has undergone a pallidotomy in order to
>exchange information.  My husband has recently had one and we wish to
>communicate with others to compare results.  Thank you.


I could not open your attachment. I would like to discuss the resuts of
pallidotomy on or of list, so could you resend whatever was in that
attachment as regular e-mail
But first I have a question for everyone with a hole in his/her head.
Speaking some other people wo did have a pallidotomy, a symptom was
reported wich I
call for better or worse "emotional instability". Before this I had a
question about someone who could hardly stop eating. Other reported
symptoms are, irritability, being quarrelsome, tense, I recognised that too
and I can add to this much crying, wich is very "not me" This symptoms
were, at least in my case temporarely. It seems easy to interprete those
symptoms as being psychogenetic. One has gone through an emotional
experience, but it is my impression that could not be the only cause,
because in other emotional circumtances which belong to the life-experience
of every PWP, these symptoms had not shown up.

So my question to the whole "hole in the head gang" is: who does recognise
and to people who have some knowledge of neurology: is it possible that the
symtoms I mentioned are caused by some activation of those parts of the
limbic system,from which emotions are ruled.
                              Ida Kamphuis

Vriendelijke Groeten / Kind regards,

Ida Kamphuis                            mailto: [log in to unmask]