

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman  48/10         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   34  deg. F grey and cold

On Thu, 2 Apr 1998 07:43:03 -0500 [log in to unmask]
>To all listmembers,
>     Since posting the abstracts on personality a few days ago,
>there has been a lot of discussion on the list about this
>subject.  but a few

>(not many,but some) were quite angry

 I feel
>anger too - anger about having this disease,at insensitive
>medical personnel,at people who patronize me,at a government that
>moves too slowly,or just doesn't care. But what good does it do
>for us to be angry with each other for sharing information (even
>if it is controversial),or for expressing a differing opinion?
>Linda Herman

Dear Linda,

 Good morning!  Here in Maine we are getting ready for TV on April 6th,
and World PD day on April 11th.  If we let our anger about PD run loose,
we couldn't get anything accomplished.  Your "afterword" is sensitive and
helpful, and RESONATES strongly down here in Maine.

Gee whiz, is there anything in your area going on to proclaim Parkinson's
Awareness Month?  I am waiting for the Governor's office to e-mail his
proclamation so I can post it to the List.

