

Last week I posted this glowing report about how happy I was to get Tasmar
and what wonderful things I expected from it and now I am not so sure.I am
either so wired that I am useless or so "off"  that I am useless.
It seems to be a no win deal.

I wonder how any of you have handled the timing with your Sinemet.
        1.  How often do you take the  sinemet?
        2.  How did you get it regulated with other drugs such as Mirapex?
        3.  At what interval do you take the Tasmar?  I have been spacing it to 6
I know  we're all different but we can all learn from each other as well.
Please  respond if you can offer any words of encouragement.  I am much in
need of some today,

Marty Rose 58/10
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