

-----Original Message-----

 >A young lady approached me after the meeting and asked me to >present a
question to the List on her behalf.
>What are the ramifications of a first pregnancy for a middle 30s
>Parkinsonian (dx 1993) with a ticking biological clock?

I have replied directly to Murray, but I thought there might be others on
the list who would be interested in my late wife's experience:

Moira, was diagnosed with Parkinson's c 1979-80 just after the birth of her
first child. In 1982 she was pregnant and living in Vancouver. Her
neurologist, Dr Donald Calne and his wife, Susan Calne, R.N. (and probably
others) evaluated the situation very carefully. They found little on the
record regarding pregnancy and Parkinson's. I was not Moira's husband at
that time so I don't have any first hand information other than what Moira
told me.

The consensus at the time was that there was no known risk and they advised
her to continue her pregnancy. The main concern at the time seemed to have
involved the question of sinemet and Parkinson drugs in pregnancy.

The pregnacy was normal and Cameron, now 15, is a bright healthy teenager.
[There is a photo of him on my home page.] Certainly, if Cameron is any
measure, there shouldn't be any problem.

Hope this helps,


Peter Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
62 Coronation Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3N 2M6 Canada
Tel/FAX: (902) 443-4262 Email: [log in to unmask]