

Hi Joan -Please forgive my earlier post; it had been a long day and
night......Thanks for the note - and congratulations on so swiftly
taking up the challenge to action! Unless a good many activists follow
your lead in contacting the AARP official nearest them and together to
bring in or retain specific votes, the shift in AARP policy won’t have
much impact and Pete Kelley’s work to move AARP will have been for
naught.  When Charlie phoned me several days ago, having received a copy
of your fax and wanting to know what he could do to help, I failed to
point out this key fact. I should  IMMEDIATELY SUGGEST  To
APDA, NPD and every other PD organization that they inform their members
ASAP about this opportunity even before it becomes official  AARP
policy, because time is short (50 working days to recess),  as  well as
alerting        PD activists and others who read this internet PD service,
which I have already begun and am continuing with this posting., How did
your discussion with Peter go? I am trying to follow my own advice, as
he may have told you, by trying to get AARP to co-sponsor, together with
my Rutland and the other six support groups in the State, a meeting with
Senators Jeffords and Leahy  to persuade them of the value of financing
a reconstructed Udall Bill in fell swoop. He says that it is not on
AARP’s agenda -- sounds familiar doesn’t it -- but he is still trying.
At the least he will show up as a guest himself. Let’s keep each other