

On Mon, 6 Apr 1998 12:26:07 EDT craig n eggerman <[log in to unmask]>
>I have a question on behalf of my father (78/2 months). About 3 weeks
>ago he had an episode of being extremely hot, his vision blurring, and
>left side feeling tingly and numb. He had an ultra sound of his neck
>and those veins are surprising clear for a man of his age and weight.
>Yesterday during church he had another 'attack'. Same symptoms. Last
>time they changed his medication. (I do not know what he is on then or
>now. It is not Sinemet.)
>Does anyone know if this is another Parkinson symptom?

I work as an EMT on a volunteer ambulance service. If someone told me
those symptoms I would suspect a T.I.A. (like a mini-stroke). Questions I
would ask would be does he have a history of hypertension (high blood
pressure)? How long do the symptoms last. etc.
It seems that there might have been some suspicion in that direction as
they did an ultrasound of his neck veins.
Keep on the Drs. till you have an answer.

Jon Meyer 41/2 ([log in to unmask])
 another Hoosier