

>From: Alastair Wyse <[log in to unmask]>
>  The first thing I read on PD after I was diagnosed was Dr.Harvey
>Sagar's book " Parkinson's Disease " in which he explains dyskinesia
>as  occuring at max dopamine  or peak dose ie too much dopamine . but
>very interestingly he says this occurs 1/2 hour after taking L-dopa .

the time will vary with dose amount and threshold effective level.

>He also says that there is an end of dose dyskinesia for which he has
>no explanation .
>  What he is describing in his peak dose dyskinesia is the first phase
>of biphasic dyskinesia because the maximum concentration of dopamine
>in the brain occurs  1 to 1 1/2 hours after taking  the  L-dopa .

the threshold where dyskinesia initiates is a variable with each person and
changes from "it never occurs" with some newly-diagnosed to a level near (or
even below) the effective medicaton level.

I >dont believe in peak dose dyskinesia except where the first and
>second phase have run together . I sometimes get this effect when I
>do not tke enough L-dopa . Too much L-dopa does not produce
>dyskinesia but slight dizzyness .

see above

>  Dr .  Sagar along with much of the medical profession are twisting
>the data to fit their theories . I believe that concentrating too
>much on the different receptors etc. is not seeing the wood for the
>trees .

perhaps the global data set is not available.  there is a vast difference in
my response today compared to my response in 1984 or 5 years ago.

>     peace
>          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )
my best to all.  love, ron