

    Hi Janet
  This thread has contributions that seem to suggest that changing
the blood flow to the brain changes the electrical activity . The
opposite is the standard view of the brain . A change in brain cell
use changes the blood flow pattern . The brain has a way of altering
the blood flow so those cells that need the extra oxygen and glucose
get it . This fact is used in determining which parts of the brain do
what . By changing the stimulus one can observe a change in blood
flow .
    The change in blood flow before and after Pallidotomy has been
confirmed in other reseach establishments and it forms the main
reason why I think PD is a brain neuron firing patterm spasm .
   The pattern is a continual  process of one neuron triggering
another it does not stop but goes round and round the brain in  many
different circles and paths . The normal brain has a certain pattern
and this can be seen by the blood flow pattern . In PD a new chaotic
pattern is established and this can be seen by a different  blood flow
pattern . For this new pattern to exist it is necessary for certain
neurons in the pallidus and thallamus to fire far more than normal (
hyperactive ) .  By preventing these hyperactive neurons firing the brain neuron
firing pattern can  be changed back to normal . The pattern must go
round and round . Electrical activity in the brain cannot stop .
   Pallidotomy stops these cells firing by destroying them . DBS
stops the hyperactivity by  interferring electricaly in the neuron
firing pattern .
   Many different things cause this spasm ( tumor , hydrocephalus ,
low dopamine etc. )  This spasm also causes underactivity in certain
brain cells leading to atrophy and death of those cells . This causes
dementia .
    Janet this web page was very important  in the formation of my
          Alastair     ( [log in to unmask] )