

On Wed 08 Apr, Margaret Mates wrote:
> Brian,
> On an earlier post you mentioned your booklet "Living with
> Levadopa."  Do you have any plans on posting this material?
> Or is it available on a Web site or via snail mail?
> Also what are your thoughts (everyone on the PD network, not
> just Brian) on attempting to increase "on" time by increasing
> the amout of carbidopa taken with the levadopa?  I thought
> about this approach before trying the Permax; Mirapex; Requip;
> or Tasmar methods.     Thank you       Margaret Mates
For Margaret Mates, -
Hello Margaret. I have made the decision to go ahead with my booklet, but my
previous effort was a long time ago, and I have learned a lot since then, so
it will be a new book. I have  a lot on my plate at the mkoment, so please
be patient, I will do it as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, Re: your query on increasing Carbidopa, I would say that the only
circumstance where it might be worth trying is if your current intake is less
than 100 mg per day of Carbidopa. The accepted figure is 70 mg/day;- more than
that would not be effective in  saving levadopa, because there is no more to
be saved.
   On the other hand, the upper level of Carbidopa is not critical : I would
expect that most of you folk are currently taking nearer to 200 mg than 100
mg of Carbidopa, and it isn't doing you any harm, so if you want to experiment
there is minimal risk. The first symptoms of too much should be a noticeable
lack of 'Get-Up-and-Go !,and a general malaise.
Good luck.

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>