

The 1-888-400-APDA  (1-888-4090-2732) number is a toll free number from
anywhere in the United States to the nearest American Parkinson Disease
Information and Referral Center,

A call placed in Maryland, central and southern Delaware, or the 717 area
code portion of Pennsylvania goes to Johns Hopkins.

A call placed in Illinois, eastern Iowa, or Northern Indiana goes to the
I&R Center at Glenbrook Hospital in  Glenview [near Chicago].

Calls from Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire go to Boston.

This is a good number to carry with you when travelling. It will put you in
contact with a source of Parkinson's help anywhere in the US.

This is a free service. The phone call is a service of SmithKline Beacham,
and they have no advertisement of any sort when you call.  The information
from the Information and Referral Center is provided by APDA with no

Will Johnnston
A.P.D.A. DelMarVA Chapter Pres.
4049 Oakland School Road
Salisbury MD 21804 USA 410-543-0110