

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      43   deg. F   "warm"

On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 09:43:10 CST Margaret Mates <[log in to unmask]>
>Ivan S. and Karen B.... are there any plans to duplicate and
>sell copies of your TV appearance as was done with the first
>TV appearance of Ivan???   I would certainly like to get a
>copy of this show also.     Margaret Mates
Dear Margaret,

  Tonight my friend Nancy and I, and a painter named John,watched the
video together for the first time..  It is really amazing.  First of all,
half-way through, enters Jon, Karen's husband.  His emotions and his
honesty and coping mechanisms, and the shock at the deal of the cards
Karen has received are all wonderfully and openly shared.

   Karen is just extraordinary!  With unshakeable  determinedness, she
doesn't let PD get in her way.  She is planning on climbing Mt. Katahdin
in June!!  She talks about SO many of her symptoms, explaining how
"intenal tremors" feel, how she got diagnosed, how eating became
impossible, how she tells EVERYBODY she has PD.  Inform and educate are
two o fher key words.

    Nancy laughed when once or twice she saw me give way to Karen instead
of answering.  Well, I figured, why be a control freak when it was
already my 2nd TV show.  I did see my own facial mask for the very first
time.  My mouth twists stiffly down into a growing frown, even when I'm
feeling no anger or sadness at all!  I talk about how I was diagnosed,
and we plug the Udall bill and its need for funding.

    Margaret, this TV show outclasses the 1st show, and NEVER deviates
from the topic of PD. The LIVE, called-in questions are amazing-- like
the woman who, after her husband's death, shares her posthumous guilt
feelings for having beenn too demanding on him, the woman who shakes,
scared to face the facts, the woman who wonders about how we PWP's manage
to socialize within a fearful and withdrawn society, the need for support

   I highly recommend this tape, BUT attention folks, I am NOT able to
distribute copies  this time around.  I am tired this spring, and muist
save my energies for other important projects.

Give us Mainahs some time to pondah, and we'll figure out how you can get
a tape. thank, Maragret!!
I'm sure Karen and Greg will figure out the answers.
