

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^

As I sit here at Ivan's computer at 3 am, Ivan is  finally resting after
a couple of very traumatic days.  After the News program on Monday, Ivan
had some personal problems that needed attention after what was an
exhausting day.  I hope he doesn't mind, but I am going to tell you a
little bit about our friend.
First of all he has the most severe off times of anyone I have met.  He
has dystonia so severe all his digits and limbs curl up  to the point
that he has to sit like an Indian or yoga style (whichever is politically
incorrect) on the floor.  He has severe cramping of all of his muscles.
He has severe festination.  If any of you have downloaded the avi file
from he is more severe with his gait than that young man
was prior to surgery.  He is sometimes, shall we say melodramatic,
however there is not a soul I know personally that shows courage on a
daily basis the way Ivan does.
He is also subject to this countries misplaced priorities.  What are
these eggheads thinking of when they appropriate fund for the endowment
of the arts and not one cent has gone through for this most insidious
prison for our brains.  I don't want to hear any bull----- logic about
how important the arts are.
Spare me the tired old lines about who draws the line on art being
acceptable.  I just don't see the logic behind supporting something so
insignificant and benign.  Why should we provide federal funding in a
capitalist society for a private enterprise. Right now I think the
Googenheim is some maneuver to dislodge the excess pork from the gluttons
who serve in Congress.  Ivan won't agree, somehow I think this opinion is
a no brainer.
Back to our friend.  He tries insatiably to get things done on our
behalf.  He will not take no for an answer.  He has tried for several
weeks now to get one of the local politicians to attend the gala on
Saturday in Falmouth, Maine.  He finally got Tom Allen the first district
Congressman from Portland to commit. He is one of two Democratic House
members while we have two Moderate female Senators whom have big shoes to
fill for George Mitchell and Bill Cohen.  Ivan also wouldn't rest until
he got the wording he wanted and worked so hard to pen on the Governors
Proclamation.  You see,  Ivan is a survivor in the truest sense of the
word.  He speaks his mind, when he has overstepped he usually succumbs to
politeness even if he does so stubbornly at times.
Ivan is honest about his sexual orientation.  I am sure some people can't
get past that.  Homophobics are alive and well in most locals in this
country  I don't hold it against him even if there is not a genetic
disposition.  Think about that next time someone stares at your pill
rolling hands or your chorea like dance to the movement Gods. If you feel
it is unfair that you are singled out because of something beyond your
control, try and remember that next time you question a person's sexual
orientation.  I would invite anyone  whom thinks a 13 year old with gay
tendencies had learned  behavior instead of a gene alteration or
mutation.  A little toleration can go a long way in keeping an already
difficult existence alive and somewhat positive.

Your List Friend
Greg Leeman 37/7
created on the computer of
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses         deg. F

On Thu, 9 Apr 1998 19:57:45 -0500 Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
>Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
>Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses      43   deg. F   "warm"
>On Wed, 8 Apr 1998 09:43:10 CST Margaret Mates
><[log in to unmask]>
>writes: >Ivan S. and Karen B.... are there any plans to duplicate and
>>sell copies of your TV appearance as was done with the first
>>TV appearance of Ivan???   I would certainly like to get a
>>copy of this show also.     Margaret Mates
>Dear Margaret,
>  Tonight my friend Nancy and I, and a painter named John,watched the
>video together for the first time..  It is really amazing.  First of
>all, half-way through, enters Jon, Karen's husband.  His emotions and
>his honesty and coping mechanisms, and the shock at the deal of the
>cards Karen has received are all wonderfully and openly shared.
>   Karen is just extraordinary!  With unshakeable  determinedness, she
>doesn't let PD get in her way.  She is planning on climbing Mt.
>Katahdin in June!!  She talks about SO many of her symptoms,
>explaining how "intenal tremors" feel, how she got diagnosed, how
>eating became impossible, how she tells EVERYBODY she has PD.  Inform
>and educate are two o fher key words.
>    Nancy laughed when once or twice she saw me give way to Karen
>of answering.  Well, I figured, why be a control freak when it was
>already my 2nd TV show.  I did see my own facial mask for the very
>first time.  My mouth twists stiffly down into a growing frown, even
>when I'm feeling no anger or sadness at all!  I talk about how I was
>diagnosed, and we plug the Udall bill and its need for funding.
>    Margaret, this TV show outclasses the 1st show, and NEVER deviates
>from the topic of PD. The LIVE, called-in questions are amazing-- like
>the woman who, after her husband's death, shares her posthumous guilt
>feelings for having beenn too demanding on him, the woman who shakes,
>scared to face the facts, the woman who wonders about how we PWP's
>manage to socialize within a fearful and withdrawn society, the need
>for support groups,
>   I highly recommend this tape, BUT attention folks, I am NOT able to
>distribute copies  this time around.  I am tired this spring, and
>muist save my energies for other important projects.
>Give us Mainahs some time to pondah, and we'll figure out how you can
>a tape. thank, Maragret!! I'm sure Karen and Greg will figure out the