

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    48    deg. F breezy...crocuses
Dear People of the List,

What a week!   In addition to Monday's TV show with Karen and Jon  Bardo,
and the preparations for World Parkinson's Day tomorrow, and  Passover
tonight, and Easter on Sunday, I have had the additional honor of
authoring large portions of the following text section of the State of
Maine  Proclamation of Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month, recently
signed by Angus S. King, Jr., Governor of the State of Maine, and finally
e-mailed to me this morning.

I particularly wish to thank my carepartner Jay Forys for all of his help
during this last month.

Ivan Suzman

>WHEREAS, Parkinson's Disease, or Paralysis Agitans,  is an incurable
>movement disorder that usually affects adults over 60, although it is
>being detected in increasing numbers of individuals between 25 and 45;
>WHEREAS, the cause of Parkinson's disease, which can ultimately be
>is unknown, and anti-Parkinsonian medications can only mask some of
>symptoms for a period of time; and
>WHEREAS, according to the American Parkinson's Disease Association
>are approximately 1.5 million people in the United States diagnosed
>Parkinson's Disease, of which 7,000 or more are in the State of Maine;
>WHEREAS, more Americans suffer from Parkinson's Disease than the total
>all those who suffer from three equally tragic conditions, those being
>multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, and Lou Gehrig's Disease; and
>WHEREAS, the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease can include stillness,
>tremor, painful and slow movement, loss of the voice and facial
>expression, and difficulty with balance and walking, and are often
>mistaken as a normal part of the aging process; and
>WHEREAS, the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Act of 1997,
>which would provide  up to $100,000,000 of funding for increased
>education and research needed to help find more effective treatments
>ultimately a cure for Parkinson's Disease, and would provide programs
>services to Parkinson's Disease patients, their caregivers and
>has passed the Congress, and awaits action by the Appropriations
>committee; and
>WHEREAS, April 11 has been proclaimed to be World Parkinson's Day, a
>for all to recognize the need for more research and help in dealing
>the devastating effects of Parkinson's Disease,
> NOW, THEREFORE, I, ANGUS S. KING JR., Governor of the State of Maine,
>hereby proclaim April 1998 as
>in the State of Maine, and urge my fellow citizens to extend their
>support for those struggling with Parkinson's Disease and their loved
>ones trying to help fight the battle.
(This was signed and sealed on parchment paper,  and although marked
"DRAFT ONLY" on my computer screen, indeed is the final text)--I.S.