

  ken said don mix your peas with you mashed potentates. well the only
thing i like on my potatoes is grave noodle or with a cheese sauce in them
i know they all end up in your belly but am fussy. all veg. i want in
dishes by them selfs. my knife is 10/16 wide. i want my mind to help
control my shakes. so am trying to eat peas corn other veg. with it. that
is why i got a mind it is to use it. may not work but i still say i can
beat this pd even after 26 years. this mon vivian fixed oat meal for me now
all i like in it is butter and salt no milk. so she made it a little
thicker all most thick to walk on not bad or good but i done it. so as time
goes on we will try other things may not work but what have i got to loose
just food. bad table manners but i am in by own house. i learned to smile
while looking in a hand mirror why not this some body else try and let on
how you do and what you did  okdoky.

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                                74/26  lima,oh

                                  I.Y.Q  DON  &  VIVIAN
                                  LOVE OF MY LIFE-53

                                    BEST MEDS FOR PD IS
                                      IS TO BELIVE IN YOUR SELF