

 Thank you for your very enlightening response to my question. You are
generally right about Shy-drager syndrome and PD except that in his case, he
had PD for ten years before SDS reared its ugly head. His PD symptoms have
always and still do respond very well to sinemet. He takes 500mg of sinemetCR
daily and needs more except that it makes his dementia worse and his SDS. With
the sinemet he takes NADH. He used to take Eldepryl with very good results
until the blood pressure became an issue, so he doesn't take that any more. It
really is a big balancing  act with him, trying to get the right balance of
neurotransmitters working without lowering his BP so much that he can't stand.
You are right about the reconnections making the brain continue to improve.
Last night we were watching TV Bloopers and he was laughing out loud and
making comments about each part. He also informed us that he intended to stay
up until this show was over. His helper commented to me that he had never seen
Ken laugh like that. Usually a small smile is all we get and a year ago this
show would not have made  sense to him. He used to have a wonderful sense of
humor, but it had been absent for several years. It seems that Aricept is
bringing it back--- what a miracle!   Barbara Smith,CG/Ken/70/17