


Just thought I might be able to help clarify...

To close a window AND exit the program in Windows 95 you can:
a)  Hold down Alt key AND press F4
b) Press Alt THEN Space THEN C

To close a window and leave the program open:
a) Hold down the Ctrl key and press F4

For those who use Windows 3.1 or 95 and who prefer the keyboard, you can
always access menus by using the Alt key and the underlined letter in the
menu.  Once in the menu you can use arrow keys or press other underlined
letters.  The Alt + underlined letter works for the majority of dialogue
boxes, too.

Hope this is helpful.

Hope this is helpful.

In a message dated 4/13/98 3:27:30 PM EST, [log in to unmask] writes:

> >>  In a previous tip, we mentioned that you can close an active window
>  >>  without the mouse by pressing Alt-F4. In response, several of you
>  >>  offered the following alternative that's easier on the fingers:
>  >>
>  >>  Press Alt-spacebar, then press C.
>  >>
>  >How about another  way,         Ctrl+W
>  >
>  I just tried that - nothing happened! It must be a special on your
>  machin