

mirapex has taken the place of Permax for me.Following neurologists
directions I was taken down to bare bones as the saying goes by
graduating off Permax (3 perday) and gaduated to Mirapex(4 1/2 )This was
over a period of 3 months and hasnow only adjusted to my needs I still
am taking 4 sinemet cr and 1 regular sinemet  and 2 eldapryl . The
elderpryl to be replaced at the end of this month with requ.?
I was told that Mirapex takes the minimum of two weeks before one feels
the benfit one way or the other. The balancing act seems to get more
complicated as time passes.initial side effect  rip van winkle all over
again but got over that after a couple of weeks.
 lets all hold in there a cure will come !!!!!!
Have a good day
Margaret Clark59/8