

        Now that I'm 65, I have gone on Medicare, and have had to change
my Orthopedic Surgeon. This morning,I went to my new one, and found him a
Even though I was please with my other O.S. ,this young man told me several
about PD, a subject which my other O.S. avoided like the plague.

        I have been having a lot of trouble with my right knee, actually, I have
for several
years, but it has changed within the last year.
         Before it was my knee-cap which wouldn't stay in place, and it would slip
out to
 the side, and I'd have to smack it back in line.
This left it sore for a couple of days, but if I took Day-pro for 3 days it
would get over it's
soreness ,and be okay again for several more months, until it would repeat
the same
slipping, smacking, and soreness.

        Within the last 6 months the pain was more in the lower leg, and Day-pro
did nothing.
So my new Doctor offered to inject it with Cortisone.  I accepted this
treatment because I have had osteoarthritis for a number of years now, and
several of my
other joints and have had to be injected, and it has worked well for me.
He took two x-rays
and the Osteoarthritis shows up plainly, which a year ago, it didn't.

        However, before he injected it, he asked me if I had "exaggerated responses".
and I told him I didn't think so, I though my responses were normal!!

        This Doctor is a large young man, of football height and weight.  I wasn't
able to see that he had that thingy, the rubber mallet, (Sorry to you medical
people, I don't know the name of it), in his hand behind his back.
He hit me on both knees before I even saw the mallet ,and wow, was I in
for a surprise!

         Before I have always been aware that I was going to be smacked
and obviously tensed.  This time both knees bounced 4 times and I couldn't
stop them.
He laughed and layed one arm across them, and they quit bouncing!!!
He said, "I would have been very surprised if you didn't have "exaggerated
responses", almost all Parkinson's patients do, that is why you have to
wear your brace".

        Actually, I have two questions????  Is everyone else in this world aware
of this
but me?
        Two, When I have to use my Asthma Inhalant, I get these responses from the
top of my head, through my right shoulder, down my right leg and then my left
side repeats it.  I have frightened my Pulmonary Doctor with this response
times, I'm wondering now, if instead of his just sitting and talking
quietly to me
when this happens, and waiting until it finally stops on its own,
 if he would lay his arm on my arms or legs, if it would stop
these responses?

Does anyone want to comment on this?
Thanks in advance.

Marjorie Moorefield,  just another librarian
with PD.