

Hi Ken & Dennis;

I've tried a back brace, and chiropractic treatment and
painkiller / muscle relaxant / antiinflammatories at different times
but the answer is to warm up, stretch and exercise every day, swim,
practice the correct placement of the hips and don't do chores that
hurt you.

Take breaks, sit down if you can, alter the task to suit your
physical capabilities.

Back braces are just a crutch (a necessary crutch when recovering
from an injury) but they will never ever replace proper
warm ups, stretching, exercise, correct positioning etc.

Pd doesn't mean we're crippled ya know.... just means we can't get
away with no warm up, no stretching, no exercise, etc. etc.

In our trade light duty used to mean standing at a bench sorting
sundries (bolts, nuts, washers, fittings, etc.)  that were returned
from completed projects.  We used to cripple people in about 2 days
of light duty.  The bench is not the right height for every one and
this type of work means you are looking down so your back and neck
have to support the weight of your head being forward.  By the 2nd.
day guys were having trouble getting out of bed.

Now light duty is walking with time tickets, stretching, light
exercise, and go home early.

> Dennis, have you tried a back brace, the kind worn by people who do heavy
> lifting?   It might be a help, and at least would not hurt. [log in to unmask]

Yes it would hurt your chances of doing things right.

Best of health........................Murray
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