

To those of you who are complaining about the content of messages, I would
like to suggest you consider this:
1. The List is not just a PD encylopedia, it is a support group, a family, a
group of people who care for the whole person and not jus thier disease of
PD. That's what makes it work. .
2. I'm not trying to discourage you from participating, but if it's facts
and figures that you want you might find what your lookig for by posting
questions or searching the archives.
3. If you could get everyone on tyhe list to vote for the list changing the
way you suggest or leaving iot as it is I,ll bet you the results would be
close to 8 to 1 to stay as it is.
Just a couple of things to think about.

Bob Chapman

Merlin H Brown wrote:

> Nope, you are not too harsh.  Murph and I agree.  We don't have time to
> wade through the many long lists either.  It would be wonderful if folks
> could just use the list server for valid and pertinent posts.  Keep
> things simple and to the point.  If someone wants to respond in a more
> personal manner, they can E-mail the person directly.  We have done that
> from time to time and it works just fine.
> Bev and Murph Brown