

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Barbara Mallut wrote:

> AND I'm even MORE amazed that I accepted THAT as ENOUGH to base a diagnosis of
> such life-impacting magnitude upon.  Truth is, I was RELIEVED and even
> grateful to at LAST be able to put a name on what had until then been called
> everything from "creative imagination," "female problems," it's in your head,"
> <they should only KNOW, huh?>, Lupus, MS, and God-only-knows-what-else.

Mmm... Yeah, it seems that many docs have this idiot notion that all
women are hysterical and just get the symptoms, never the diseases... *sigh*

26 years with PD, you say? Eh... I know you aren't supposed to ask a lady
about those things, but how old are you? :)  (Since the doc hadn't heard
about someone so young.)

/John. (29/0)