

Hi John...

"Close, but no cigar..." <smile>  I've had PD nearly 23 years,
not 26, and am 55 years old.   That means the doctors I first
went to with those initial vague symptoms were seeing a
woman in her early thirties who visually looked to be in the
peak of good health.

After all... back then, as often still happens today, unless
a woman had SUCH obvious symptoms of disease or illness,
she was almost "rubber stamped" by the medical community
as being a "hysterical and/or hypochondriac female," rather
than a human being who is having a "wake up call" from her
body telling her there's a potential in-the-future disease growing
in her system.

That meant in my case I began to doubt my own sanity
because here were all these highly respected physicians
telling me there was nothing medically wrong with me.  And
what I perceived as a medical problem, THEY saw as a
bored hypochondriac who just needed some kind of activities
or work to feel well, other than her landscape design business,
being a wife (then, not now), mother, artist, student, and
whatever else she had going on in her life so many years ago.

Finally, I'm not now nor ever have been a rampant feminist,
but when it comes to how the medical community sees their
female patients, I believe often the female patient has less
credibility than a male patient with those physicians who are
in charge of her physical health.

In fact, I think that even MALE patients are often given the
run-around by their doctors when MD is stymied by their male
patient's symptoms - at least when it comes to  PD-type

Possibly this negative medical attitude grows out of the MD's
training being to CURE their patients ills, and they just CAN'T
with certain diseases???  Prolly frustrates the heck out of an
MD when the same patients keep showing up in their office
every few months saying "Please help me," and the doctor has
nothing to offer except a pill that only masks some symptoms -
and that just for a few short years before IT causes additional
negative symptoms (sound familiar?).

Barb Mallut (who's REALLY pissed at PD today)
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of John I Quist
Sent:   Monday, April 20, 1998 12:11 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Symptoms prior to formal diagnosis

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Barbara Mallut wrote:

> AND I'm even MORE amazed that I accepted THAT as ENOUGH to base a diagnosis
> such life-impacting magnitude upon.  Truth is, I was RELIEVED and even
> grateful to at LAST be able to put a name on what had until then been called
> everything from "creative imagination," "female problems," it's in your
> <they should only KNOW, huh?>, Lupus, MS, and God-only-knows-what-else.

Mmm... Yeah, it seems that many docs have this idiot notion that all
women are hysterical and just get the symptoms, never the diseases... *sigh*

26 years with PD, you say? Eh... I know you aren't supposed to ask a lady
about those things, but how old are you? :)  (Since the doc hadn't heard
about someone so young.)

/John. (29/0)