

I can always pick out the newly diagnosed PWP, and the new to
the PD list.
I recognize this, because I  also felt the same way, in the beginning

However, being a reference librarian in a large library system
who is fortunate enough to have the latest electronic information on just
about everything, including PD, I have to tell you , even being
on a first name basis with all the latest medications, latest
tests , and newest symptoms of PD, I still have a slow,
wasting disease which controls my life.  Knowledge has NOT
set me free!!!!

At one time I would have hunted down a Shaman or
a Witch Doctor if they could have offered any cure.
However, after almost 10 years I have decided I
might just as well laugh, because it just isn't
going to get any funnier.

So please keep up the jokes and the banter,
and on my really bad times, if it gets on my
nerves, I'll just put in a request for "NOMAIL"
for awhile, until I decide to join the human race

Everyone of you are "THE GREATEST"!!!!!!!
Thanks for being here!!!!

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian with PD.