

Before I sign off for two  weeks, I want to add my two cents to the Eldepryl
discussion. About 12 years ago, Ken's PD was progressing too fast for the meds
available in this country and  we heard about Deprenyl(Eldepryl) through Bev
Steward who also contributes to this listserve. She had visited Br. Birkmeyer
in Austria and had opened a pipeline whereby we could get the drug from there.
Our Neurologist at the time agreed and wrote us a prescription to send to
Vienna. Ken improved unbelievably and was able to continue to serve as a judge
for three more years and to take assignments after his retirement until about
six years ago. His Neurologist offered to participate in the American trials
for Eldepryl based on what she had seen with Ken. She said she never again saw
the results she saw with Ken. So, as with all the PD drugs, different drugs
for different folks. For us it was a miracle drug; for others it does very
little. My feeling is, you can never know until you try it. This is the way I
felt recently about aricept and Our Neuro agreed. The results with Aricept
have been just as wonderful as thay were years ago with deprenyl.  We sign off
today for two weeks in Yosemite. Barbara Smith,CG/Ken/70/17