

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Joao Paulo Carvalho wrote:

> > I agree with Ken Aidekman's statement that some means should be developed
> > to separate the personal messages from the news items and other
> > informative type of messages.  I find that after the first two weeks that
> Would suppose that starting the Subject Title with : New Item *   or
> Informative Mail *    would solve the issue ?

Those take too much space in the header, but what about:

"News: " - News clippings from newspapers etc
"Info: " - Info on meetings etc
"Meds: " - Talk about medicins, new and old
"Don: "  - Important messages  :)

(These I think are in use already, right?)
"Non PD: " - Chatting, joking
"QT: " - Quotes
"Poem: "

Short and understandable?

(But as I said before, this does not solve the problem. A scheme like
this requires everyone to change the subject header everytime a thread
moves off the original topic, and 99% of any Net population just don't take
those extra seconds to change it. This discussion pops up everywhere
where the flow is high, but it rarely makes a big difference in the
long run.
This doesn't mean we shouldn't try, but don't set your hopes too high.)

/John - realist or cynic, take your pick...