

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses    42     deg. F starry,starry

On Wed, 22 Apr 1998 14:22:16 -0500 Arthur Hirsch <[log in to unmask]>
>At 01:11 PM 4/22/98 , Ivan Suzman wrote:
>>Dear List,
>>This message just received from Congressman Tom Allen's staff member,
>>John McLaughlin.  He is working hard to try to bring Mr. Ali to
>>Any support or suggestions would be welcome from the List..
>Ivan, I think that you've got some great thinking started here.  May I
>first start off by asking and answering twice this question:  Why ask
>Ali come to Maine?

Arthur, because it is an opportunity that Tom Allen is creating.  And
because ANYWHERE that Muhammad goes, many, many people are helped and
encouraged by him.  He is well-loved here.  Many rural and low income
Mainers would be inspired by him.  We are isolated, but when great
persons come here, we come out in huge numbers to show our appreciation,
and to learn.

>Answer, against him coming:  Maine was the first state to go 100% for
>Udall Bill, Maine has Ivan Suzman, one of our best spokespersons.  A
>to Maine by Ali would be useless - it would be a sales call to sell
>something already sold to your great state.

You are very kind!  I am thinking more in terms of giving him a platform
and giving Mainers and nearby Canadians more exposure to him.  With
satellites and CNN and VCR's and worldwide webs, he could be televised
and projected from Presque Isle Maine or from Houston Texas or from
Nairobi Kenya--so why not Maine during potato blossom season?

>Answer, for him coming:  Because Maine has done so well for the cause,
>visit by Ali would honor the state and honor its spokesperson(s) - as
>know that you, Ivan, would praise those who have helped you so.
>But now to meld these ideas - how about an Ivan and Ali show - with
>and possibly a caregiver traveling around the U.S. - maybe the world -
>Ali?  Ali the famous person, incapacitated in his speech, to draw
>crowds -
>and Ivan the articulate traveling spokesperson, to drive the point
>home -
>and working  for - you guessed it - the one-time-foe, the NPF, who now
>would happily paying Ivan's expenses.  No question: they'd be getting
>money's worth.

Thanks again, Arthur, for your vote of confidence in me.  Gee wiz,   I am
willing to help the NPF, and more importantly, the Parkinson's community,
in whatever ways I can!

Ivan and principal caregiver Jay

>It's good to hear, BTW, that Tolcapone is doing a good job for you and
>you've had more on time.  As a former Chicagoan, it's also good for me
>hear that Al's grandson, Tol, is making it without having to go into
>speakeasy business. <G>
I guess Jay and I aren't the only ones who explain to the unfamiliar,

"Tolcapone? It's sort of like Al Capone!"

> Arthur Hirsch {} [log in to unmask] {} Lewisville, TX {} 972-434-2377

>   Always Remember This:  Happiness Is Right, So Choose Happiness

Agreed.  And cyberhugs help, too!

Warm regards,