

WHEW, Edie.... you just caused me to have a MAJOR
knee-jerk reaction with your question about listing PD on
your driver's license.

For what it's worth, I've never mentioned my having PD to
when renewing my driver's license.

Ya raised ANOTHER issue tho, Edie.... an "implied issue,"
and I'd like to address THAT.

I see your question as a personal moral decision, if not a
legal issue.  It's also a potential problem in EVERY state
and country that licenses it's drivers and has PD residents
driving it's streets and highways.

I see the issue being one of is the INDIVIDUAL PD driver a
SAFE driver. MY guess is  the AVERAGE Parkie is a safe
driver... most of the time.   The big question then becomes
when IS that "safe time?"

For ME, my safe driving time is based upon a my personal
assessment on how I'm physically AND mentally feeling on
any given day that I plan to drive somewhere.   I ALWAYS
try to allow for the fact that despite my plans to drive, I may
HAVE to scrap those plans due to it being a "PD-related-off-day."

IF I'm feeling the least bit "off" physically and/or mentally
(i.e., not real sharp that day) , I do my DAMNEDEST to stay
 off the roads that particular day.

That said, I then end up with days like today....days when I've literally run
out of food and NEED to go to the market which is only 6 or 8 blocks away.
Heck.. I've already ordered in pizza for dinner the last 2 nites, 'cause the
97 degree weather totally wiped me out the past coupla days.  Now it's much
cooler (with the brutal heat due back over the weekend) <groan> so today's the
day I SHOULD get my bod in gear and stock up at the market.

EXCEPT.... I didn't sleep last nite and feel like I'm thinking and moving thru
jello today, ergo, "personal moral decision time."  Starve?  Order-in pizza
for the third nite in a row?  Take a chance and drive to the market despite
feeling I'm not in a "safe-driving-mode today?   Teach my kitties, Buzzy 'n
Scooter to drive? <grin>

WHAT would YOU do if faced with a similar decision?

As for me?  I guess it's pizza for dinner... AGAIN!  I don't
wanna play "Russian roulette" with my life or with the lives
of anyone driving in the vicinity of my car when I feel as
I do today. <deep sigh>

Hmmmm.. (doing some creative thinking).... maybe.. just
MAYBE it'd be ok to drive the two blocks to my
neighborhood convenience store, pick some eggs and
butter (to heck with cholesterol today!), and whip up an
omelet for dinner?

BUT... according to the DMV, most accidents happen
CLOSE to home.   Can I afford to take that chance?
Naaaaaaw.... <'nothrer sigh>

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of EDIELUT
Sent:   Thursday, April 23, 1998 6:22 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Driver's License

Does anyone know if you have to list pd on your driver's license application
in Maryland?  Thanks.  Edie