

Harold, I spoke at length with Martin Bayne, a fellow
Parkie, who is the Web site owner of "Mr. Long Term Care." (URL follows)

When I asked Marty about the possibility of my getting long term care
insurance, HE said that one cannot get long term care insurance when one
already has a pre-existing disabling disease.  I have PD....

I don't think you'll find a more knowledgeable individual when it come to long
term care.  I suggest you logon to Marty's Web site and drop him an email
asking about the possibility of your getting long term care and see what he
says.   He WILL respond, and honestly.

NOTE:  The "Mr. Long Tern Care" Web site is an
excellent resource and one of the most thoughtfully
presented sites of it's kind that I've come across.  This
unique site is not only informative about long term care
but is a true labor of love for Marty.  AND it's going to
be even better (if possible) real soon as Marty's doing
a major upgrade by making his site a mega-rmedical-
resource site.   I've hadda sneak-peak and the new site's
gonna be dynamite when it's online.

Soooo.... DO contact Marty before ya end up wasting
your time with someone who may be pushing to sell
you other types of insurance than long term care insurance.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

of love

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Harold D. Anderson
Sent:   Wednesday, April 22, 1998 7:34 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        long term care insurance

Dear Parkies,
 Have any of you been approached by an insurance agent to buy ltc
insurance after you were diagnosed? If so what company and the cost and
how difficult was it to get approved?
 I had such an agent call me tonight. He's coming to talk to me in the
morning. I'd like some input from the group on their experiences trying to
get ltc insurance.  He claims to represent a company that will insure
Parkinson's patients.  Harold - Columbia