


I can generally get out and run errands a minimum of
3 to 4 times a week over the winter and spring.
Unfortunately, living in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley means
that summer and autumn usually sees daily weather highs
of over 100 degrees and evenings in the mid 80's.  THAT
kind of weather has simply devastated me since I've had
PD and it gets harder to get thru the summer every year.
Going from air conditioned car into the blast furnace heat
of the Valley and into an air conditioned building, each with
different termps simply wipes me out.

The last two summers I ended up doing my marketing
close to midnite (which I absolutely HATE!  It's SCARY
being in a huge parking lot at that hour) in order to take
advantage of the cooler nite weather.

So ya see, it's really more than a simply need to get some
groceries that's at the crux of the matter with me.  It's more
than the "average-Parkie-off-day," too.  It's the damnable
summer weather where I live (and moving is no longer in my
immediate future as it had been a few months ago) and how
THAT effects the PD.

THIS summer we've also got lots and lots and LOTS of
crawling and flying BUGS, too, thanks to El Nino!  YEEEECH!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhh SH*T!!!  <--- Thanks Abi.. I needed that little
 temper tantrum!)

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask],

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Abi Murthy
Sent:   Thursday, April 23, 1998 1:20 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Driver's License


Do you have the Safeway chain nearby?  They have liked up with Peapod
who does gorcery deliveries.. Newsweek had an article about this
some weeks ago- If I see it again, I'll try and send you the issue date

On another note, there was a point in my life that I thought that I had some
free time and thought that I'd like to volunteer- and I wanted to help
someone who was blind.. I talked to a local Blind society and they told
me that they needed someone to help drive people to grocery stores,
doc's appts etc etc.

Or you could talk to friends who have sorta grownup kids- I am sure there
are a lot of teenagers who are new drivers and are yearning to drive.
(Might give you a heart attack though, watching them drive :-) ).

abi (who'd volunteer to help someone who lived nearby- I live in
Santa Clara, CA)