

At 12:16 AM 4/21/98 -0400, you wrote:
>I think that's a wonderful idea, Jane. I do understand the reasons why some
>folks only want material directly related to PD to be on the list.  We need a
>program to enable those people to erase all the non-PD posts in one
>Any volunteers?
>Ken B
good morning white hat who wrote that they only want things about pd on
list is crazy after 26 years you get tired of all the med will do this and
that. is nice to hear a joke poem little kidding going on like you and
Janet have. i enjoy the change of nothing of med cures that are not there
your talks to me helps me get through the cpu still is not right
lost all my email so i got to put every body back in. all my bookmarks so i
shall be busy so write time to time hows your dad?  I.Y.Q.  DON  & VIVIAN