

       "But what are the crisis signals???". If that is your question I
would be happy to share my thoughts on what I would look for with someone
who may be thinking of suicide. As a person and  as a clinical social
worker I've been down that road on occassion. Typically I would look for:
          - A personal history of ideation and previous activity/ attempts
usually beginning with the
                    less lethal to the more lethal
         - A family history
         - recent losses including employment, family, sense of humor,
health, sense of community
                    and the like
         - A persistant, unyielding depression which seems to overwhelm
even the best of
                   therapists and medications
         -An unexplained change in routine, striking mood shifts, unusual,
perhaps odd behavior
         -A lack of interest in food, sex, and other once enjoyable activity
         -An unwillingness to agree to state that they will remain safe
         -And my personal favorite--There is no anger available
         -After a period of struggle a calmness appears- A decision has
been reached.
        I'm big on self determination which seems, some times, at odds with
my profession but when I see my job as helping people make the best
decision for THEM then there is little
internal conflict for me.
        I think the vast majority of PWP have thought about suicide and
that is normal from
where I view the world. Indeed life is "precious". I'll grant you that but
not so "precarious".
We have choices to make, and with good people around us to offer an ear, a
bit of compassion, a lot of reality and a bit of humor, most of us will do
just fine.
       One other thought. You certainly have a strange idea about who is
powerful; " social workers
and family crisis workers and religious leaders." I don't know about the
latter but the only power I have as a social worker is the power granted me
by my clients and the little bit I "borrowed from the system "
       All in all I wish you hadn't reposted that story but it is your
right to do what you please.
See what I mean by choices?