

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman      48/11                 [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses         deg. F

On Tue, 28 Apr 1998 00:42:21 UT Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
>UGH!!!  Drug "vacations," ain't no picnic!! <shuddering at memory>
>"cold turkey" drug vacations such as I was forced to do

Hi Barb,

Sorry you had ot go through a so-called "Drug holiday!" And thank you for
sharing your story.
A "drug holiday" to me sounds like a fantasy, so that people are taken
advantage of!

Plain and simple--how could a person's insufficient dopamine supply be
taken care of with no dopamine?
Could any one on this list survive on a "food holiday?"
