

Well, Rita, there will always be people who can get hit on the head with a
hammer and not feel a thing. I was thinking of convincing the folks teetering
on the brink of helping PWP's who are just not informed about the disease.
Until my father was diagnosed with PD, I knew nothing at all about it, and
then I would have agreed with the general public, that there are worse
diseases.  Even the stories you see on tv showing successful pallidotomy
results, are more of a disservice to the majority of PD sufferers than a help.
The impression that it is just about a cure, is the wrong message to send out.
If you poll 100 people, about the effects of the major diseases, most would be
able to tell you about heart disease, kidney dis., cancer, diabetes, with a
fair amount of accuracy. If asked about Parkinson's, I would be surprised if
one in a hundred would know the symptoms, and that is sad!
We have to inform the uninformed, and then, maybe the money would start to
flow, and the cure for PD would be at hand.  [log in to unmask]