

KF Etzold wrote:
> I had sent this directly to but it got bounced back. So, even
> though it fairly specific, maybe other people are interested.
> K-F Etzold
> Clean Air: This is something needed in an some industrial environments and
> usually involves building "Clean Rooms". Clean rooms are common in
> semiconductor and disk drive manufacture where particles cause defective
> devices. These rooms are typically specified by class, say class 100, for the
> degree of filtering used. The finest filters will also remove bacteria. The
> kind of filters which are used are called "HEPA" filters which stands for High
> Efficiency Particulate. Typically clean rooms are built with special walls and
> floors which do not emit particles and which are easy to keep clean. Typically
> it is also desirable to have a special air flow pattern which requires a
> perforated floor. This would be questionable for aestestic reasons in a
> residence. Also the cost is outlandish but clean air can be had. Of course, one
> can always scale down to say class 1000 or lower  but you have to decide how
> much is enough (cost and aesthetic considerations).
> Any questions ... contact me.
> K-F Etzold
> [log in to unmask]

I somehow missed out on the orginal question-if this is a home -there
are vacuum cleaners with hepa filters (I don't sell anything) -IF it is
a home and you don't want industeral clean rooms-I have had a lot of
personal experience with manageing sever allergies-IF  you want some
simple (relatively) please write me and tell me the circumstances-you
mentioned a new house -I can tell you some things to do and some not to

Nita Andres
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