

You know Lori I had the same outlook - dragged my right(I think) foot,
frozen shoulder (thought I had hurt it by pushing library books on the
shelves because of a flood), tendonitis, difficulty in writing - my hand
would stick to paper.  Like your Mom, the pain persisted.  No one seemed to
know what was wrong.  Went to Library and found books on Parkinson and their
story was like mine.  Finally doctors said it was Parkinson.  Referred to a
neuro who diagnosed PD.  Have been home on LTD (Long term disability) for
three years and PD is progressing.  Tremor is in my right arm and leg
always.  Still functioning re: housework, computer, shopping, etc.  When
tired I go for a nap to regain my energy.  No PD medication yet - I do take
hormones, vitamin C and E  encoded aspirin for pain, and Prozac 10mg a day.
Does this help a bit for your Mom?  Let me know what she says ok?  A friend.

At 08:39 AM 4/23/98 MDT, you wrote:
>My mother is 69.  Her symptoms started with stiffness in her right
>arm and in her right leg.  She thought she overworked it by painting.
> It persisted and would not go away.  With time it got worse and we
>thought maybe she had a slight stroke, because of the gait and the
>way she would hold her arm.  After seeing a chiropracter,her regular
>doctor and finally a neurologist she was diagnosed w/ PD.  She will
>not talk about it or ever complain.  We (her family) want to help and
>do the most we can, but never want to push her or make her
>uncomfortable.  We all love her and want to make sure she is getting
>the best/most treatment to make her comfortable.  She has had one
>doctor for so long she refuses to go to another.  She just trys to
>go about everyday routines and not explore any options to help with
>PD symtoms.  If you have any suggestions--I would love to hear them.