

You wrote ;-

> Date:    Thu, 23 Apr 1998 18:29:57 UT
> From:    Barbara Mallut <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Driver's License
> WHEW, Edie.... you just caused me to have a MAJOR
> knee-jerk reaction with your question about listing PD on
> your driver's license.
> For what it's worth, I've never mentioned my having PD to
> when renewing my driver's license.

The Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency in the UK changed the rules two or so
years ago. It was (is) a requirement to notify them of any condition
which might affect the ability to drive. Subject to a doctor's assessment
they (DVLA) would issue a three year license. The insurance company
required details of this before renewing my policy.
Now the onus is back on the individual! I have a full license again until
I am 70 or until I consider PD prevents me driving safely. The insurance
company have removed the requirement to have an annual medical (at my
All good news but what happens now if there was an accident and PD might
be a factor (eg too tired, to stiff, too shaky) :-(   How would the
insurance stand ?? I don't know the answer over here, I guess the
situation may be different in America but .......
I would be interested to hear of any experiences.

Bob Hills (46/6)