

Yen Hau wrote:

> I have this sleeping problem after I start taking Madopar 250mg 2.5
> tablet  per day , Symmetric 2/day, R-10 2/day.  I cannot sleep deeply
> as my body is too stiff and can't even move my hands and legs.

Dear Yen,
Do you take your Madopar 30-60 minutes before eating meals or snacks? If
not, then protein in your foods could be interfering with levodopa
absorption. If the levodopa isn't absorbed, it could cause stiffness during
the night.

Some of my clients have better levodopa absorption in the morning hours,
then worse in the afternoon and evening. If this occurs, I advise them to
be sure to take levodopa well before meals and snacks.

My very best regards,

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
"Nutrition you can live with!"
Medical nutrition therapy
Tel: 970-493-6532 // Fax: 970-493-6538