

Well, we have missed your posting, what is that saying? "A day without Don is
a day without sunshine!" You have a special license to post whatever you want,
if it is a copy of the phone book, we will defend your right to print it! (If
you don't get mad if we don't all READ it! LOL)  To make this about PD, a
serious question: When you hqad construction business, did you get exposed to
a lot of CO from exhaust of machinery, and did you smoke?  It looks like some
evidence is piling up here about a connection between CO and PD.  It seems
like a possibility to me. We should make a poll of everyone here with PD, to
see if they have been exposed to CO more than average, in their lives. I am
glad you are back on your projects, it means Mr Don is winning the battles
against you-know-who!    Keep up the good work, [log in to unmask]