

and mor-n-likely's got some errors.

To:  Those who know what I think & therefore will
know what I'm talking about because I don't want to bore
too many people unnecessarily.

From: Janet C.

If you're still with me I need some advice, support?, help.

This comes from my heart so it may be a little helter-skelter.

I think I'm right, of course.

Therefore, I've got some questions.  - If you reply it is not
necessary to remind me that you are not a doctor or whatever and
don't be afraid to tell me what you think on any question I have.
I want to know anyway.  Treat it as a hypothetical question if you like.
Remain anonymous if you would rather.  I don't care I just want info.

What would be the proper treatment of my condition?

Would Sinemet still be a good choice, since it lowers BP before
 it is converted to dopamine in the brain?

What other medications?

What other treatments could there be?  (like gamma globulin
rapid desensitization, epinephrine,)

Okay, inventors, (Don, Ken, etc)  this one's for you.
What equipment exists or could be built to accomplish the
end result of me getting absolutely CLEAR air?  What would
be the easiest, cheapest, way to do that?  (like, special suit
(I think those who work with hazardous viruses use one, Recal??
or something, I think there is more than one kind.)  Cost?
or something to Pull particles down, or something that would
trap particles - tape  - something sticky, so that they're not
constantly being stirred up again.  We change filters weekly and
it is expensive because it takes several layers to get it even
halfway good enough. Or something to combat the muscle spasm
directly since I know the crucial ones - botox? - when
I was a child and had stiff necks my doctor used some kind of moist heat
massage called something like 'metrosunalator'??? that worked well.
Any other gadgets that might be useful?
What would be the best things to try in what order?

We plan to move to a new house, buy or build, because we think
that is best.  What kind of area and what things should we
look for, as in heat systems, air cleaners, floor plans, etc
to be as allergyfree for me as possible?  A "clean room" with
only superfiltered air?   A typical suburban lot is so small and
so many people keep pets nowadays seems not too good.  But then
the country (where we live now) is of course full of plants - pollen
animals, etc. What would be the best choice?

Any other ideas? Remember,I am talking about deadly, devastating
reactions, not the sniffles.

And, since I think I'm right, it
BOTHERS ME, when I read of some of the AWFUL, HORRIBLE things this
mess does to people, that I just got into for a while before it
turned around, and I think that it could be better, it could save
them some PAIN and TORTURE possibly, and though it is also incurable,
it could be better, and yet I think I am about the last person  on
earth who should be telling anybody anything, and surely, SURELY
I am wrong, and yet I can't see that I am, and I'm afraid I might
say something that might possibly in some way add some hurt, and
I'd HATE to think I did that, but then I HATE feeling like something
I could say might HELP and not say it.

Does anyone believe me who is in the medical field?
I think so, but no one says so to me directly?? only have
indirect evidence so far.  Any support someone could offer??

I don't need to here from those who think I'm brain dead.
I heard enough of that sort of stuff, spoken of as FACT without ANY
proof. When they can PROVE it to me (at autopsy)
then, I might THINK ABOUT BELIEVING IT, maybe.

ANYTHING else is appreciated. Much.
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