

With the messages about famous people living with Parkinsons - I noticed
that someone mentioned the Pope - presumably as a positive example.
Unfortunately I see the Pope's refusal to admit he has Parkinsons as sending
a very strong negative message about Parkinsons.  Here is the head of the
Catholic Church denying he has Parkinsons.  Of course this may be true, BUT,
if he actually does have PD - then the message he is sending is that he is
ashamed of having it and that others should be so as well. It says that PD
should be hidden.

When I think of the missed opportunity he has for doing so much good for
other Parkinsonians I get very depressed.  Simply by admitting he has PD and
that he is able to cope and that he battles on - this would be a wonderful
message.  Is there any way we can get this idea to him?

Norm Ichiyen
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Mississauga, Ontario, Canada